Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Narrow Minds Breed Hate

Hi, friends. In light of an "event" that occurred yesterday, I find myself needing a place to vent - MY space, where I can say what I want and how I feel and not get attacked for it. So please, per the usual, if I am "too liberal" or "too open" for you, you're very welcome (and encouraged) to stop reading RIGHT HERE and go on your merry way.

I don't know why I am this way, I just am. I honestly don't see anything wrong with ANY lifestyle "choices" or body modifications people decide they want to make for themselves. I use the term "choices" VERY lightly in the sense of lifestyle, because unlike a lot of right winged people, I do not believe one chooses to be gay, or bi, or even straight. I believe it's how you feel at any given time - you don't wake up one morning and say to yourself "you know...I think it's time to change it up. *poof!* Now, I'm gay." ...prettttttttttty sure it doesn't work like that. Sure, you may wake up one morning and everything clicks for you, but that's because society dictates that "YOU'RE BORN STRAIGHT AND LEARN TO BE GAY OR BI" and one day you're forced to "come out of the closet." This kind of shit pisses me right the hell off; I wish we lived in a world where you're born with  a blank slate - you're not expected to be straight, or gay, etc. etc. - you literally are a human being who is to decide what their sexual orientation is through experience and what you find attractive. I'm next to certain this world will never exist, but hey, we can all have dreams, right?

Granted, the argument I got into yesterday had nothing to do with anyone's sexual orientation, to me, it's all in the same fucked up goody bag that stereotypes, societal norms, and judging based on appearance fall into - and THAT was where the argument brewed.

Have any of you seen the picture spreading around Facebook, of the younger guy that has a TON of facial body mods - pierced and gauged cheeks, septum piercing, lip piercings, tongue split? Well, an older lady I am friends with on FB shared that pic, mostly to voice her disgust with his choices, but to also open it up to anyone else who wanted to take a virtual swing at the kid. It made me sad, pissed me right the hell off, and honestly - it discouraged me. Sometimes I think we've come so far as a community to be accepting of people's choices, but really, we're no further than they were back in the 50's and 60's when Blacks had to drink out of different water fountains than the Whites.

This is something I'm very passionate about, and it hits me right down in my core. We're ALL people. Biologically (yes, this is where Princess Science comes out to play) we are literally made up of the EXACT SAME THINGS - why does anyone's appearance have to make them more or less superior to anyone else?!?! This is something I've always struggled with, because to me - no one is different than any other due to appearances. Sure, education, jobs, etc. can set us apart from one another, but you know, I could just as easily have ended up in medical school as opposed to entering the work force (I had the grades, I just needed to be done school for a while) - and I have a LOT of tattoos. *GASP!* The horror...a woman with tattoos couldn't POSSIBLY be smart enough to be a doctor, could she?! Fucking society...

For your reading pleasure (names and faces of those being incredibly negative and MEAN have been scribbled out - I'm not here to make fun of them personally; nah, I'm here to make an example of their narrow-mindedness and how being so judgmental breeds hate):

So in case you were all wondering, according to our dear friend, "red blob" above, because I currently have 13 (or 10 depending on how you count them) tattoos, I not only am a criminal, but I've also done time in jail and am likely part of a gang. 

This kind of attitude, hate, negativity - I could go on for days with synonyms - drives me INSANE. I have not only never done anything illegal (therefore no jail time for this "delinquent"), I've never done a drug (nope, not even pot) IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. 

You, sir red blob, are what's wrong with America. How about you focus some of that hateful energy on the important things. Things like, the kids who's only meal during the day is the free lunch they get at school, or the fact that some families have to live out of their cars because they literally have no other place to go. Let's deal with the REAL issues in this country - not your hateful opinion about why this kid is obviously a nobody because he's chosen some unique modifications for his face. 

Fuck you and your shit attitude, sir red blob. 

If you've kept up until now, thanks for being my outlet :) 

Ex's and oh's,
Chelsea Leigh  

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