Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Information

   After a chat with Beth Ahern at ViroPharma (who seemed THRILLED to have to talk to me), I was able to get to the bottom of where the information regarding my withdrawal symptoms came from. An email I exchanged with my patient care coordinator - basically they have control of my medical info and contact my insurance, the pharmacy, the nursing coordinator, and anyone else behind the scenes that I'm completely unaware of - where I mentioned that my infusions were GOING GREAT, but since I was down to half of my normal steroid dosage I was starting to notice withdrawal symptoms. I had completely forgotten about this email and wasn't aware that any negative information would be forwarded to the drug manufacturer regardless of relevance.

   So. The information wasn't taken from this blog, which was annoyingly pointed out to me by ViroPharma (no shit, Sherlock, I just wanted to know who gave YOU the information); and I likely overreacted with my previous post. That being said, I'm not going to apologize, because I felt my personal information had been wrongly given and I was understandably upset.

   I promised to keep you all updated once I got to the bottom of it, so there you go. Thanks for the support, as always. You guys are all amazing :)

   ~Somewhere between forever and always, Chelsea Leigh

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that your blog was not being misused by some psycho, at least. Stay strong Chex, you are one tough cookie that is for sure! Love you <3
